Today is "C-Day"!!
That is code for 'cooking' day.
I have made it a well known fact that I'm not a big fan of cooking, so I've been on the prowl for a new strategy. I will detail it in tomorrow's blog.
For now, I'm going to get you all up to speed:
Before I decided I was going to make time for blogging, we had about 2 weeks of the kids' summer vacation that has gone un-witnessed. The photos below will fill you in on the events that have led us up to today.
Last Day of School - June 11th
Once at the school, at the top of the stairs, we bid them farewell. Boston gives out one desperate yip as they disappear into the school. Their last day as 3rd and 2nd graders.
After school the celebration begins over elaborate hot fudge sundaes and a good silly band trading session!
Local Recreation Center
Liv and her gal-pal enjoy hours at the pool together, while Drew and his buddy spend their time ballin' in the courts. This recreation center has been a big part of our lives for years. The kids have come to know it as their second home.
The colors in the picture are so great. Liv and her friend have known each other since they were babies. Their friendship strengthens each year.
Drew is getting in touch with his inner sports star. The friend in this picture is one year older than Drew and a gifted athlete. He is teaching Drew the way around the court.
I could add more, but I think for now... you have a pretty good idea. There are days spent at SPRAMA - there are days at home - there are days at the library... all kind of boring to try to blog about.
One thing I don't care for are blogs where the post-master is nothing more than a narcissistic writer who loves to hear (read) their own words... I will do my best not to be that way.
I suppose time will tell.