
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Liv's Message...

Our daughter, Olivia, is a wondrous and spirited young lady. 

She turned 8 on July 3rd of this year and with her transition into adolescence, she has begun turning toward our church and the deep, thought-provoking stories of the bible.  I am often fielding questions about the bible, Jesus and how he came to be.  Drew and Liv attended Vacation Bible School this summer (you can check out the Vacation Bible School Blog here) and for them both, it was a fulfilling and an enormously enjoyable experience, but it has affected Liv in a much deeper way.

Born with a natural tendency to absorb everything around her, Liv grew into an active, talkative and challenging toddler.  It's important to note Liv was not poorly behaved, she was just very busy; always moving, always talking and always exploring. 

I would affectionately refer to her as a 'high octane' kid. 

Liv at age Two:  Note the chaos surrounding her
Because of her high energy level, I have found over time that she also processes information in a flash; sometimes it sticks and she remembers, other times it's as though I've said nothing at all.  There has been debate as to whether or not it is selective hearing, but the debate carries through to this day and I have no conclusion to share.

Liv Today

As Liv began growing into her more sophisticated, 8 year old self, I have made it a point to talk with her more often about some penetrating topics.  With each discussion, she listens intently then takes some time to digest it.  It is a rare day when I present her with information and we have a productive conversation about it right away.  Typically she will take the information with her and over the next few days the questions will bubble up in conversation; our talk, slowly simmering under surface.

I was drawn to a simple message...

So as you can imagine, after an information-rich week like that of Vacation Bible School, the questions and comments abound.  I have been surprised by the stamina of this particular topic however.  Liv's attention span usually leaves only enough room for a few important questions over a couple of days but the ideas of our church have kept her interest.

This past weekend we drove out to Altoona for the Boore Family Reunion - a grand event held every year originating from the gathering of the ten children of Grandma Boore.  Over the years this event has grown to include activities, drawings, games and guest books. This year, someone created a banner for all attendees to sign and date.  Leisurely reading through the messages, I was drawn to a simple message enclosed in a great big heart:

Tears rolled down my cheeks and I ran for my camera.
A child's handwriting... in bright pink marker...
a heart, of all things, drawn around it as a testimony of her love...
the message she chose for a room full of strangers to read.

Seeing this message - all the way in Altoona - so far from our home and our church,
I know she is listening.
I know she is getting it.
I know she carries God with her.

Watching her develop herself, as she chooses, has been a tremendous gift.

Thank you, Dearest Olivia, for all you are and all you promise to become.
We Love you,

Mum & Dad